From The Festival To A Retreat

August 10th, 2008

First of all, we've met a lot of people at Creation Fest (in England) that asked us to send them a link to get our music. So, here it is, if you want to download our rock worship album "Wake Me Up" for free please click HERE and it will download directly to your computer so you can put it on an MP3 player or burn it on a CD. If that doesn't work, download this free Christian music from our website. Please let your friends know about it, or you can make copies yourself and give CDs away J Unauthorized duplication is encouraged and appreciated J We pray this blesses you!

Jesus said, “Give as freely as you have received!”

(Matthew 10:8b NLT)

This week we had several new friends sign up for our email list through the various concerts and outreaches that we were apart of throughout the North Devon area, so we thought it might be informative to remind you and let them know a little about the Take No Glory ministry.

AWe are a musicianary band of Christians that desire to be founded on the Bible & empowered by the Holy Spirit who are simply saying "Yes!" to the call and commission of the Lord Jesus Christ. We do this through responsive lives of worship that love God, love others, and primarily serve the world through music & preaching; all for the glory of God alone!

The LORD said, “I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praise”

(Isaiah 42:8b NLT)

During the last week and a half we have done almost a dozen concerts in England and Austria. At Creation Fest we played a set of own original songs and then also played some intimate acoustic sets of worship songs written by tnG and other Christian songwriters. Our team was also able to serve by helping with many other tasks like: prayer, set up/tear down, direct the stage, video, security, promotion, etc. What a blessing to travel around the world with 19 people so that the LORD can use our team to serve the world in many different ways

Now we are at the Schloss Heroldeck Castle in Austria serving in a number of areas like: cooking, cleaning, maintenance, landscaping, coffee house, children's ministry and worship leading. The last few days we've also had the opportunity to fellowship with the brothers and sisters of Calvary Chapel South London during their summer retreat. We were blessed with the privilege of leading worship and being challenged and changed through the Word as they spent time teaching about spiritual warfare. Friday night we spent time hearing testimonies and leading worship as the LORD moved freshly upon His church. What a blessing to see God move in and through a body in such a powerful way.

“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly. Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them.”

(Romans 12:4-9a NLT)

Today, the Western European Leaders & Missionary Conference starts with more than 300 pastors, missionaries and their families coming to be refreshed by the Lord. People have traveled here from more than a dozen different countries expecting the Holy Spirit to refresh them as they continue to faithfully follow God. Please pray for the conference: [1] Jesus exalted, honored & glorified [2] Holy Spirit will powerfully impact each and every person [3] unity with all those fellowshiping together [4] spiritual/mental/physical health & refreshment of every missionary, speaker, staff and volunteer [5] speakers and their families (Todd Johnson, Damien Kyle, Brian Broderson & Bob Coy) [6] worship leader and his family (Scott Cunningham) [7] God's wisdom and discernment in all decision making and smooth running operations

Below are our personal prayer requests and some of the events we have scheduled for the next few months. If you know anyone in these areas (Austria • Maine • Indiana • California) then please forward this email to them and encourage them to join us.


Sunday, August 10th to Saturday, August 16th

Serving at the European Missionaries, Pastors & Leaders Conference


Friday, August 22nd to Sunday, August 24th

Serve with Pastor Ken Graves at CC Bangor in Maine

Wednesday, August 27th to Sunday, August 31st

Serve with Pastor Joe Mann at CC Fort Wayne in Indiana

Friday, September 5th to Monday, September 8th

Serve with Pastor Tom Camp at Harvest Chapel in Lafayette

Wednesday, September 10th until mid October

Break to seek the Lord for future of the tnG ministry


Saturday, October 18th 6pm

EDIFY Concert at CC Living Water in Corona, CA

Sunday, October 19th 8:30am & 10:30am

Worship at CC Living Water in Corona, CA

Saturday, October 25th 5:30pm

Music Ministry at Camp Pendleton Marine Corp Base in CA

Monday, November 10th until Thursday, November 13th

Worship Leaders Conference in Murrieta Hot Springs, CA

Saturday, December 13th 5:30pm

Music Ministry at Camp Pendleton Marine Corp Base in CA

Please continue to pray for the Take No Glory team: [1] time and intimacy with Jesus [2] unity in the team [3] effectiveness and spiritual fruit [4] supernatural protection (hearts, souls, and minds) [5] health [6] marriages (Ian & Johnna · Jeff & Melaine · Boy & Elena · Eric & Mandy) [7] kids (Nadiya, Elijah, Eden, Kanani and baby Utile!) [8] other servants (Landon, Chris, Connor, Kalei, Kauhi, Naili, Landrew) [9] preparation for the concerts and outreaches [10] financial provision for what's ahead & all our debts to be paid.

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team

landon bailey · chris eggert · jeff huff · melanie huff · connor marone · baby utile · ian utile · johnna utile · boy vierra · elena vierra · kalei vierra · kanani vierra · kauhi vierra · nadiya vierra · naili vierra · eden wood · elijah wood · eric wood · mandy wood · landrew woolworth

Take No Glory is a musicianary band of Christians that desire to be founded on the Bible & empowered by the Holy Spirit who are simply saying "Yes!" to the call and commission of the Lord Jesus Christ. These musicianaries do this through responsive lives of worship that love God, love others, and primarily serve the world through music & preaching; all for the glory of God alone! This ministry team offers their new rock worship album “Wake Me Up” to download freely from their website, directly to your computer, so you can put it on an MP3 player or burn it on a CD. Download this free Christian music and please let your friends know about it, or you can make copies yourself and give CDs away J Unauthorized duplication is encouraged and appreciated J May The LORD Bless You!


Jesus said to his disciples “Yes, your joy will overflow!”

(John 15:11b NLT) 

July 29th, 2008

As our team celebrated with Ian and Johnna, because of their growing family, we have also enjoyed the many opportunities Jesus trusted us with to serve Him here in the UK.  We don’t “have to” serve our God; we “get to” serve Him.  It is an honor, it is a privilege and it really is a joy!  This week impacted eternity in a BIG way with many people trusting in Jesus for the first time as served at free outreach concerts, diverse church services and fervent prayer meetings.

After Jesus ascended to heaven, his followers “met together and were constantly united in prayer.”

(Acts 1:14a NLT)

Please continue to pray for Creation Fest: [1] Jesus exalted, honored & glorified [2] local and visiting non-Christians drawn to the event [3] hearts softened to received the Gospel, people set free from sin, innumerable salvations and lasting spiritual impact [4] new believers getting plugged into a local fellowship for discipleship [5] God's wisdom and discernment in all decision making and smooth running operations during the event [6] continued church unity and favor from government in the local areas [7] speakers (Brian Broderson, Bob Coy, Phil Pechonis, David Robertson, Garid Beeler, Philip Bell, Lu Wing and Nigel Watts) [8] bands (Lindz West MC, Scott Cunningham, Universal Royalty, Transition, Four Kornerz, Superhero, Manafest, CHRISTAFARI, Jahaziel, dweeb, Philippa Hanna, Avion Blackman, Solomon Jabby, Electralyte, Finchley, All ‘Bout Christ, NEW DIRECTION CREW, Erin Starnes, Ekklesia, BOSH, Lindsy Morton, Matt Giles, Sonz 1 and Take No Glory) [9] spiritual/mental/physical health, protection & endurance of staff/bands/speakers/volunteers [10] the weather and financial provision

Last week different churches from all over America sent over more than a hundred Christians here to help serve with Creation Fest.  It has been refreshing to serve with these brothers and sisters, as we have been able to support each other in what God has called us to do here in England.  Most of these people don’t know each other and are from different cultures.  Regardless, there is a feeling of family unity because we all have the same Heavenly Father.  It has been said that if people have Jesus in common, they have everything in common.

When Jesus prayed for us, He said “May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them as much as You love Me.”

(John 17:23b NLT)

On Wednesday the Ilfracombe churches (in North Devon) gathered together for a day of prayer and worship at the St. Peter & St. James Anglican Cathedral.  It was an incredible experience to serve in these old cathedrals that Jesus has used to change so many lives over the last few centuries.  On Friday and Saturday we traveled almost two hours, south from where we are staying, down to Exeter (a youth filled city of 120,000 people).  Exeter has the most impressive physical church building any of us had ever seen.  It was MASSIVE and parts of it were more than a thousand years old!!  As we served in a Biblically uncompromised & culturally relevant way in these churches, our team could envision the Holy Spirit doing a fresh work in these old places.

On Sunday morning we were blessed to spend time with our friends at Christian Fellowship Church teaching the Bible and leading them in worship.  We could feel the presence of the Lord, as He inhabited the praises of His people, with all of us singing together in unity.  The Holy Spirit also ministered to the church as a whole and to each person individually through the preaching of God’s Word as Eric and Ian taught the following passage:

“Because we understand our fearful responsibility to the Lord, we work hard to persuade others. God knows we are sincere, and I hope you know this too. Are we commending ourselves to you again? No, we are giving you a reason to be proud of us, so you can answer those who brag about having a spectacular ministry rather than a sincere heart.  If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit.  Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”

 (2nd Corinthians 5:11-15 NLT)

These are the verses we have printed on the back of our album “Wake Me Up”.  When we do a concert or church service, we give everyone a free copy of our CD and then teach the passage sentence by sentence.  When we preach from this paragraph we work hard to persuade the crowd to abandon their selfishness and sincerely live for Jesus in response to Christ’s love.  We explain the need to die to our old life, no longer live for ourselves and live for Christ alone.  This message needs to be heard and understood by all people regardless if they are a pagan or a pastor.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the apostle Paul wrote those words in an epistle he penned about 2,000 years ago to the church of Corinth.  It is a miracle that these words still apply to everyone from all different walks of life today.  It’s because God Himself wrote this letter through Paul!

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and his is the one to whom we are accountable.”

(Hebrews 4:12&13 NLT)

Below are our personal prayer requests and some of the events we have scheduled for the next few months.  If you know anyone in these areas (England • Austria • Maine • Indiana • California) then please forward this email to them and encourage them to join us.


Tuesday, July 29th @ 7-9pm

Creation Fest Roadshow in Ilfracombe

tnG playing with Transition & Universal Royalty

Wednesday, July 30th @ 7-9pm

Creation Fest Roadshow in Ilfracombe

tnG playing with Manafest & Scott Cunningham

Friday, August 1st @ 10am-10pm

Creation Fest MAIN EVENT in Woolacombe

tnG plays at 2pm in the Surf Café & 8pm in the Acoustic Café

Saturday, August 2nd @ 10am-10pm

Creation Fest MAIN EVENT in Woolacombe

Sunday, August 3rd @ 10am-9pm

Creation Fest MAIN EVENT in Woolacombe

tnG plays at 2pm in the Surf Café & around 7pm on the Main Stage


Wednesday, August 6th to Saturday, August 9th

Serving Calvary Chapel South London at their Summer Retreat

 Sunday, August 10th to Saturday, August 16th

Serving at the European Missionaries, Pastors & Leaders Conference


Friday, August 22nd to Sunday, August 24th

Serve with Pastor Ken Graves at Bangor Christian Church

Wednesday, August 27th to Sunday, August 31st

Serve with Pastor Joe Mann at Calvary Chapel Fort Wayne

Friday, September 5th to Monday, September 8th

Serve with Pastor Tom Camp at Harvest Lafayette

Wednesday, September 10th until mid October

Break for a few weeks to seek the Lord for future of the tnG ministry


Saturday, October 18th @ 6pm

Concert at CC Living Water in Corona, CA

Sunday, October 19th @ 8:30 and 10:30am

Worship at CC Living Water Church Services

Saturday, October 25th @ 5:30-7pm

Music Ministry at Camp Pendleton Marine Corp Base

“Dear brothers and sisters, we urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join in our struggle by praying to God for us. Do this because of your love for us, given to you by the Holy Spirit.”

(Romans 15:30 NLT)

Please continue to pray for the Take No Glory team: [1] time and intimacy with Jesus [2] unity in the team [3] effectiveness and spiritual fruit [4] supernatural protection (hearts, souls, and minds) [5] health [6] marriages (Ian & Johnna • Jeff & Melaine • Boy & Elena • Eric & Mandy) [7] kids (Nadiya, Elijah, Eden, Kanani and baby Utile!) [8] other servants (Landon, Chris, Connor, Kalei, Kauhi, Naili, Landrew) [9] preparation for the concerts and outreaches [10] financial provision for what’s ahead & all our debts to be paid. 

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team


July 24th, 2008

The tnG Ministry Has Grown!!!  Ian and Johnna have just found out they are expecting a baby sometime in March!  They are so blessed and excited about this gift from the Lord.  Please pray for their expanding family!

“Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God”

(James 1:17a NLT) 

Every week we spend here in England has been full of remarkable spiritual breakthroughs and intense spiritual warfare.  This week we were able to do a few outreach concerts with Scott Cunningham, Universal Royalty and some other Christ focused musicians.  We were also blessed to preach and lead worship at the local Baptist Church in Ilfracombe last Sunday morning and look forward to serving at the local charismatic church this upcoming Sunday.  We continue to be humbled every week by the continued miracles, favor and anointing the Holy Spirit has lavished upon us us!

“O LORD my God, you have done many miracles for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.”

(Psalm 40:5 NLT)

Please join us in prayer for Creation Fest that takes place here in the UK August 1st-3rd.  The Holy Spirit is mobilizing prayer warriors and entire churches on different days to partner with us starting July 27th until the 4th of August for this ministry.  We expect about 10,000 people to be at Creation Fest and need continuous prayer for the festival.  We have many different people and churches that already committed from all over the world partner with us during this time of need.  We are requesting for all of them to commit to 24 hours of prayer.  We expect a fruitful harvest at this time here in England. If you are interested in joining us for this ministry through prayer, please contact us at: and we can schedule on what day you or your church would like to participate.

Here are the general Creation Fest prayer requests: [1] Jesus exalted, honored & glorified [2] local and visiting non-Christians drawn to the event [3] hearts softened to received the Gospel, people set free from sin, innumerable salvations and lasting spiritual impact [4] new believers getting plugged into a local fellowship for discipleship [5] God's wisdom and discernment in all decision making and smooth running operations during the event [6] continued church unity and favor from government in the local areas [7] speakers (Brian Broderson, Boy Coy, Phil Pechonis, David Robertson, Garid Beeler, Philip Bell, Lu Wing and Nigel Watts) [8] bands (Lindz West (MC), Scott Cunningham, Universal Royalty, Transition, Four Kornerz, Superhero, Manafest, CHRISTAFARI, Jahaziel, dweeb, Philippa Hanna, Avion Blackman, Solomon Jabby, Electralyte, Finchley, All ‘Bout Christ, NEW DIRECTION CREW, Erin Starnes, Ekklesia, BOSH, Lindsy Morton, Matt Giles, Sonz 1 and Take No Glory) [9] spiritual/mental/physical health, protection & endurance of staff/bands/speakers/volunteers [10] the weather and financial provision

“Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we ask you to pray for us. Pray that the Lord’s message will spread rapidly and be honored wherever it goes.”

(2nd Thessalonians 3:b NLT)

Please continue to pray for the Take No Glory team: [1] time and intimacy with Jesus [2] unity in the team [3] effectiveness and spiritual fruit [4] supernatural protection (hearts, souls, and minds) [5] health [6] marriages (Ian & Johnna • Jeff & Melaine • Boy & Ellena • Eric & Mandy) [7] kids (Nadiya, Elijah, Eden, Kanani and baby Utile!) [8] other servants (Landon, Chris, Connor, Kalei, Kauhi, Naili, Landrew) [9] preparation for the concerts and outreaches [10] financial provision for what’s ahead & all our debts to be paid.

We love you and are so grateful to communicate with you through this email.  Please reply and let us know how we can be specifically praying for you?

“Now may the God of peace—who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood—may he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.”

(Hebrews 13:20&21 NLT)

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team  


“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” “The LORD says, ‘I will rescue those who love Me.  I will protect those who trust in My name.’”

(Psalm 91:1,14 NLT)

July 15th, 2008

Jesus has really blessed us this week and given us peace as we have spent time meditating on Psalm 91.  As our team has worked from sunrise to sunset day after day, God’s word has spoken powerfully into our hearts.  The intensity of this week’s ministry was only bearable and enjoyable because of the authentic ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

“It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.”

(Zechariah 4:6b NLT)

This week we were able to teach that, “God is real, Jesus is alive and there is a purpose for your life!!” in 20 different religious education classes at The Ilfracombe College here in North Devon.  This school is like a high school in America with kids ages 12 to 18.  These “religious” classes are often taught by pagans and usually include Islam, Hinduism, Satanism, Buddhism, New Age and “Christianity" which is really just taught as a Roman Catholicism lumped with Judaism.

During the morning and afternoon on Tuesday through Friday we shared testimonies, answered questions, played music and explained our faith in Christ to hundreds and hundreds of kids that know very little or nothing about the One we serve.  Many on our team said it was one of the most fruitful times of ministry they have ever been involved with!  As the teachers introduced us, we simply told the students that we are: “an American rock band that is on a world tour to tell everyone who will listen to repent of their sin, trust in Jesus and become bold Christ followers.”  After making the kids laugh & open up by acting like “crazy Americans” and giving away free CDs we invited these students to ask us any questions they would like.

Understand that out of the 1,000+ students, there are only a couple dozen faint-hearted believers that get persecuted for being a “stupid Christian”.  We also we able to experience true persecution as we were ridiculed and disrespected in every class we were able to teach.  Sometimes the kids made statements like: “Your gay” “God isn’t real” “I believe in the big bang”  Often times the kids would ask tough questions that took Spirit filled answers: “Why is there suffering in the world if there is a God?” “If God made the world, who made Him?” “How do you know Jesus is God?”  Then there were those wonderful questions that always led to the Gospel being presented: “How has Jesus changed your lives?” “What types of miracles have you experienced?” “Why did you become a Christian?”  We understood why the Apostle Peter told us to always be ready to defend our faith.

“If someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.”

(1st Peter 3:15b,14a NLT)

One of the great blessings Jesus gave us this week was a little time for our band to practice some new songs we believe the Holy Spirit wants us to share while we are here.  We were able to rehearse on Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon.

On Thursday we were blessed to do a worship concert in Bratton Fleming as a follow up to the last Roadshow.  The next day we had the opportunity to do two evangelism concerts in Ilfracombe.  In the afternoon we played a handful of songs at The Ilfracombe College during their lunch break.  The auditorium was packed with over 400 students, some of them hearing about our Lord Jesus Christ for the VERY FIRST TIME!

Friday night we did a concert with Universal Royalty in a church right across from the local nightclub.  It was awesome to see locals walk in to hear about Jesus just because they were headed to the club.  It gave our team a rare opportunity to witness to those that would never have normally listened to the message.

On Sunday our team was invited to lead Calvary Chapel Woolacombe’s morning church service and evening prayer service.  During the morning we led about 10 worship songs with the congregation singing louder than the sound system could go.  In between the music, Eric and Ian taught though 2nd Corinthians 5:11-15 in a way that was encouraging and exhortive.

Take No Glory is blessed to have three lead singers that all switch roles (Johnna, Landon & Mandy) and two Bible teachers that have chosen to preach together as a team.  It is a great physical example that our team takes no glory from Jesus because no one person is exalted above another.  We pray that Jesus is the ONLY ONE that is praised and remembered!  That night we lead about a dozen different worship songs and had a powerful time of prayer during Calvary’s evening service.

“Meanwhile, our enemies were saying, ‘Before they know what’s happening, we will swoop down on them and kill them and end their work.” (The verbal response to the enemy was) “Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight!” (The physical response to the enemy was) “We worked early and late, from sunrise to sunset.”

(Nehemiah 4:11,14b,21a NLT) 

And that is exactly what we have been doing, working from when we wake until we sleep.  Before you send an email that exhorts us to rest, know that each of us spend quality time alone with Jesus on Mondays and all of us still spend time together praying and fasting on Tuesdays.  We are helpless to do anything spiritually beneficial without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  If we don’t have intimate time to hear from God we will be destructive in our actions rather than productive.

The spiritual attacks that we have endured this week are memorable.  Dreams, visions, prophesies, gripping fear, verbal assult & physical aggression were consistent.  The locals would tell you there are likely more witches than Christians here in North Devon.  Jesus is alive, but Satan is alive as well and he wants to destroy us.  However, as he desires to “swoop down, kill us and end our work” we respond with the courage of the LORD!

Demonic attack is a reality that drives us to our knees desperate for our King to shelter us as He has promised.  Because the Holy Spirit is our strength, we are willing and able to do more than humanly possible!  We choose to fight this spiritual battle because Jesus is “great and glorious”.  We are so grateful for the battle that reminds us to pray with more passion and zeal.

“Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hears and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

(Philippians 4:6,7 NLT)

We love to partner with you in prayer.  How can we be specifically praying for you and those you care about? Know that we are so VERY grateful for your prayers!  Please pray for our: [1] time and intimacy with Jesus [2] unity in the team [3] effectiveness and spiritual fruit [4] supernatural protection (hearts, souls, and minds) [5] health [6] marriages (Ian&Johnna Jeff&Melaine Boy&Ellena Eric&Mandy) [7] kids (Nadiya, Elijah, Eden and Kanani) [8] other servants (Landon, Chris, Connor, Kalei, Kauhi, Naili, Landrew) [9] preparation for the concerts and outreaches ahead [10] financial provision for what’s ahead & all our debts to be paid.

Also please pray for Scott Cunningham and his family (Wife, Megan and 5 daughters: Madison, Rileigh, Emaline, Sabella and Analise).  They arrive in England today and Scott will be leading our team for the next month here in London and then in Austria.  Scott is a music pastor and songwriter from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in California.  Every year Scott travels to Devon to do free concerts here with Creation Fest.  He has combined his great passion for God and his ability to communicate through song to create a powerful worship album called “Grace Amazing” and has just finished his new album “Till The Whole World Hears”.

“In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.”

(2nd Peter 1:5-7 NLT)

We have now “finalized” our schedule for our last 3 weeks here in England.  We have dozens of events on our calendar during the next 20 days.  And it looks like after we serve in Austria, from August 6th to 20th, we will do three-day outreach events on the east coast.  We are praying about serving with Ken Graves in Bangor, Maine August 22nd, 23rd & 24th.  Then serving with Joe Mann in Fort Wayne, Indiana August 29th, 30th & 31st.  Finally serving with Tom Camp in Lafayette, Indiana September 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th.

We have a vision to do Friday night “Worship, Prayer & Communion” gatherings.  Then on Saturday all those that attended the gathering can go out and evangelize in the morning / afternoon and invite people to a Saturday night “Free Rock Concert” where the Gospel will be preached boldly.  Finally we meet again on Sunday morning for “Church & Baptisms”.  Please pray as we begin to plan these weekends with the local pastors that have invited us to come serve their communities.

“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.”

(Proverbs 19:21 NLT)

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team


July 8th, 2008

God Is Alive In England!  We are blessed and encouraged to walk these days out with you!!  It has been such a sweet encouragement to hear your responses and to feel your intercession at work.  The prayers, petitions and praises that we have heard about continue to strengthen us as we go around the world.  We know that those who pray for us and with us, are also the ones that the LORD is using to fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit as we walk forward while looking up.

"Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel."

(Ephesians 6:10-20)

Isn't it interesting that wherever the LORD is moving, so is Satan? We don't mean to give our foe too much clout, but isn't it remarkable to walk and "feel" the battle that rages on.  Even our thoughts seem cloudy and dark.  Our hands seem worn and tired.  Our bodies seem to be breaking down with sickness.  And most importantly our hearts seem hard hit with explosive attacks from all directions.  Yet, our LORD is faithfully strong in the midst of even the most troublesome times.

“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.  The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.”

(Psalm 34:17,18)

Joseph declared to his brothers in Genesis 50:20, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people."

For our LORD is:

The Messiah, Creator, Baby born to be our Savior

Father, Redeemer, Hope of Glory, Friend of Sinners

All knowing, All powerful, Forgiving, Oh so Faithful

The Helper, My Maker, Living Stone, Our Mediator

Sinless High Priest, Messenger, Prince of Peace

Bread of Life, Holy One, Counselor, Beloved Son

King of Ages, King of Kings, Ruler over Everything

Immanuel, Cornerstone, Morning Star and Lord of Lords

Lamb of God, He is risen, Unto us a Son is given

Mighty One of Righteousness, Beautiful in Holiness

Chief Shepherd, One True Vine, You're the living Sacrifice

First and Last, Eternal Friend, Comforter, The Great I Am

We know that our LORD is King and yet we still plead with you to continue to pray for the Spiritual battle that rages on here in North Devon as we continue to faithfully follow.  Here are a few ways that you can continue to pray for us as we walk these days of trial and tribulation out with JOY and excitement!

Please join with us as we pray for: [1] protection (our hearts, souls, and minds) [2] our relationship with Jesus [3] practice for the concerts and outreaches ahead [4] unity and oneness as we serve [5] Eden and Elijah as they continue to be awesome encouragements [6] our health [7] for continued effectiveness and spiritual fruit.

There are MANY, MANY praise reports to share from this week J

Over the past week we have seen the church act like the church is supposed to.  Brothers and sisters have consistently blessed us with food, housing and even amazing transportation.  In fact…our bellies are full, all of us now have beds to sleep on and we have two 16 passenger mini-buses to move the 19 of us and all our music equipment.  Praise the LORD!

On Thursday, Universal Royalty (UR) invited a few members of tnG to come and do school work with them. Schoolwork consists of, teaching Religious Education courses, spending time with teenage students, and performing outreach concerts.   This is a HUGE deal, since Muslims, atheists or even pagans teach these religion classes.  RE courses usually include Satanism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and “Christianity" which is really just taught as a Roman Catholicism lumped with Judaism.

During the classes students were able to ask various questions about, America, our faith and/or any other extremely random area of our lives. Questions began very general as you will read below, but our LORD always directed people right to Himself.  Here are a few examples of the questions that we were asked:

"Do you eat at McDonalds?” “Do you know anyone who has been shot?” “Do you like traveling the world?” “Is it worth it?” “How does your faith influence your music?"

Our response to this opportunity is to cry out to God, “LORD what a blessing to see Your hand at work in the schools of North Devon.  Thank You for Your favor and blessing as we walk these days out.”

We wish you could see the faces of these young kids as they heard about JESUS for the first time.  Many asked if the stories were even real as their rational and cynical brains tried to reason the stories of faith.  Students were awe struck as God made Himself known and spoke into their lives in practical and miraculous ways.

"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father."

(John 14:12)

After lunch, tnG was given an opportunity to play an acoustic concert, where over 300 students voluntarily showed up and Jesus Christ was taught!  The maximum occupancy in the facility was 300 people, so people were literally filling the hallways and the surrounding areas just to hear the music and the message.  Please continue to pray for favor in Biddeford as Creation Fest continues to come near.  Pray for thousands of students to show up and be saved.  Pray for the teachers and leaders of Biddeford College/University as they continue to let the WORD stew in their hearts.

On Friday the LORD opened up the opportunity for us to teach a home fellowship of about 70 people.  It was an awesome time of fellowship, teaching and worship.  One powerful note is: God is moving in and through the students of Woolacombe.  Three of the young students are, Chris, Josh and Robby.  Please pray that God would continue to mold and shape them for the days ahead as they serve here in Woolacombe.

On Saturday the LORD allowed us to reach out to Bratton Fleming through a Creation Fest Road Show.  It rained and rained and rained, but God taught us so much about being faithful in the midst of even preaching and singing to the houses.  We know that the WORD of God doesn't return void even in the most intense situations.  Please pray for Bratton Fleming as we do a follow up time of worship and outreach on Thursday at the St. James Anglican Church.

On Sunday the LORD moved in our team.  We spent a day going to church together and seeing the LORD open up even more opportunities in Ilfracombe.  As the day moved on we spent a serious amount of time being real and praying for each other as the spiritual warfare continues to rage in and amongst our team.  It was extremely encouraging to see the LORD open up our team about bitterness, stubbornness and pride.

You know there is much more to say, but time and space will never be enough to tell of the glory of our LORD as He moves and glorifies Himself through us…His mere tools.

"Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God."

(1st Corinthians 1:26-29) 

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team


July 3rd, 2008

A few days ago, we came from the Philippines to the UK.  We traveled here with no accommodations or transportation worked out for the 19 of us when we arrived.  It was a BIG step of faith, as we trusted that Jesus would take care of us and He has!  We have been miraculously blessed with everything we need and more.

When we were boarding the plane on Wednesday to Hong Kong we were facing baggage charges of over $1,000.  So we all gathered up and prayed that the Lord would do a miracle.  As we put our luggage on the weight machine, the people checking the bags started writing down less weight than the scale said; they didn't charge us anything!!!  After all the bags were checked, the main guy helping us mentioned that he is a Christian.  So we just told him to, "Keep serving Jesus!"  Things like this confirm we are doing exactly what God has called us to.

On Thursday morning we arrived in London after a long 35-hour trip from our initial departure from Dumaguete.  The customs department tried to deny us access because we had no proof of where we were staying or how we would financially support ourselves for six weeks in the UK.  It sounds crazy to say, "We are musicianaries that trust Jesus to take care of our every need."  After much prayer we were allowed through because God gave us favor!

"The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him."

(2nd Chornicles 16:9a NLT)

After a 5 hour drive south to Devon, we arrived at Phil & Megan Pechonis' house in Woolacombe.  We were beyond blessed that night as we had hot showers, full bellies, and warm beds to sleep on.  Woolacombe is a beautiful surf community and we have met many wonderful people here that love Jesus.  Phil & Megan are a godly couple with four awesome kids that have really blessed to our team.  The Holy Spirit has used them powerfully for the last 7 years to run Creation Fest.  Please pray for their strength because they have SO MANY responsibilities during this season!

We are excited about what the Lord is doing here in England.  Several of the local brothers and sisters in Christ have great visions of what the Holy Spirit is going to do here in their community.  We have been greatly encouraged by their fervor for Christ, and their hearts of prayer.  It is always an encouragement when you meet people who wait expectantly on the Lord.

"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint."

(Isaiah 40:31 NLT)

On Saturday we served at the Creation Fest Roadshow in Barnstaple (North Devon).  The Take No Glory band played two full sets that afternoon, finishing with a 3rd set of worship songs that night with ALL the bands playing on stage together at the same time.  It was incredible to gather 13 different musicians that had never even met and see them all play music in unity.

The Creation Fest Roadshow was a great success, as new souls were added to the Kingdom, and existing believers were encouraged! It was a blessing to see all the volunteer staff serving non-stop for hours on end, all with cheerful attitudes.  Jesus was glorified, the church was unified, the weather was great, everyone was safe, and the Gospel changed lives.

One miracle that happened at this Roadshow is all the local churches coming together to put the event on.  We have been told this has never happened in the Barnstaple area!  After decades of each church doing their own thing, God finally unified them for this event.  This is an amazing example of how the church is supposed to be.

"Keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace."  "There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all."

(Ephesians 4: 3,5-6 NLT)

On Sunday morning, Pastor Phil Pechonis preached the gospel message in Barnstaple at the same place the Roadshow had been held.  Most local churches closed their doors that day and encouraged their fellowships to go to this joint service on the street corner.  There were about 700 people there and several came forward and gave their lives to the Lord.  We are anticipating great things in the weeks to come, and we are confident that the Holy Spirit has already started an awakening.  Jesus is alive here in England!

We have been spending a lot of time with another band that is also playing at Creation Fest, called Universal Royalty. They are a group made up of 6 brothers (from New York City) whose main focus is to preach the gospel and see lives transformed by Christ. They have a hip hop/reggae/rock feel, with lots of energy that really engages the crowd.  The Holy Spirit's anointing on their ministry is obvious as their faith and zeal for the Lord catches fire everywhere they go.  They travel with their mom and three wives.  This family is A LOT like our team!  Please pray for the ten of them as they spend 11 weeks serving here in the UK.

"But thank God!"  "He uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.  Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God."

(2nd Corinthians 2:14a,c & 2:15a NLT)

The Lord has graciously answered our prayers and provided housing for all 19 of us!  The Woods are staying with the Pechonis family.  The Vierras are staying with another local family and the rest of us are living in a church hall that has a kitchen and bathrooms.  Jesus also provided us a 17-passenger mini-bus to use while we are here.  So we have housing and transportation.  God is so kind & faithful!

Once again, we are excited for the things to come, and are asking that you would labor with us in prayer over the upcoming events here.  We have different small events throughout each week.  This Saturday we serve at another Creation Fest Roadshow in Bratton Fleming.  Please pray for the weather, protection, safety, financial provision, artists, speakers and that the Gospel will be heard throughout the village.

Another praise report is that most of our team has been sick during our time here in England, and now we are feeling much better!  So please be in continued prayer for our health.  We rely on the Lord's strength to help us persevere.  Christ is made perfect in our frailties, and this week has been a huge testimony to that.

"May God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.  Jesus gave His life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.  All glory to God forever and ever!  Amen."

(Galatians 1:3-5 NLT) 

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team

PLEASE PRAY FOR US over 30 hours of travel tomorrow

"I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me."

(Psalm 34:4)

June 26th, 2008

Praise the Lord!!! We just found out tonight that we will have transportation picking us up from the airport in London and taking us all the way to Devon.

We are leaving early tomorrow morning and will be traveling for the next 40 hours or so. Please continue to pray for the team's health, strength and endurance as we continue to follow the LORD to Devon, England.

In addition, please ask the LORD to continue to supply our food, lodging, and transportation for the days ahead. We are expecting God to do what only He can do. We know our Savior and Lord will provide all of our needs! Pray that hearts of the Devon area would be soft and open to the gospel, and that we would be bold ambassadors for Christ for His glory.

Praise the Lord!!!  The Vierra family has been blessed with airline tickets to travel around the world with us.

Please pray for the Vierra family, as they will be staying here in Dumaguete for an extra 5 days after we leave.  It seems that the LORD has given them several opportunities to continue to minister and love on the people of Dumaguete. It is hard for us to be apart from them, since we are all family, so pray for all of us in that matter that the Lord would keep us unified.

We pray that you are blessed and encouraged today as you continue in the faithfulness of our Lord.  Your prayers, petitions and praises are felt whether near or far, as the Lord is comforting, healing and doing signs and wonders in our midst.  It has been such a blessing to walk these days out with you as we all see the Lord move in awesome and amazing ways.

Here are a few highlights that will hopefully encourage, embolden and enrich you as you continue to follow our Lord faithfully today.

From small prayer sessions with the students, to large-scale concerts and revivals, we've been humbled and amazed at how glorious our God is.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!"

(Psalm 34:8)

Wednesday June 18th, The LORD blessed us with an outreach at Siliman University.  In fact the students were all full of tears, and amens as we met and prayed about how the outreach would be most effective for the LORD's glory.  Honestly, the emotions in the room were extremely thick as we could all see that the hand of the LORD had united and prepared our hearts for what was to come.

Isn't it amazing to watch the LORD move throughout the body!  Seriously, He, the LORD Jesus Christ, put several men and women from different cultures and backgrounds in a room together to love on a college campus through music and teaching!  Amazing!!!

The scene was set for an amazing night as many students labored in constant prayer over the concert and the message that was to be spoken.  Our team was encouraged and blessed to see many people praying with such a heart for their brothers and sisters.  Throughout the concert Ian and Eric shared from the CD as the rest of the team ministered to the students through music and prayer.  (On a side note:  We are blessed with an amazing team that is constantly giving all of their heart, soul, mind and strength to love the lost and challenge the church as a response to the awesome love of our LORD!!!  We are blessed!)  Several young men and women received prayer and were encouraged to follow hard after their LORD.  As the concert closed up and worship was coming to an end it seemed as if the choir of Heaven was let loose upon the room.  It was amazing to be able to hear about 1000 students sing their hearts out to the LORD in surrender and sacrifice. 

After the concert, the Principle contacted tnG to comment on the outreach and give his invitation to come back any time.  What a blessing to see the LORD continue to open doors.  The LORD has given us incredible favor, and we know that it is because of the faithful students and men and women who have labored on their knees in prayer!

Thursday June 19th, the LORD provided an outreach in a town called Sibulan at an outdoor amphitheater. This was the same day the typhoon hit the surrounding islands.  The rain and the wind came down hard and started to flood the stage, and all our equipment started short-circuiting. We prayed that the rain would stop so that people would come, and the Lord stopped the rain for us! The night became an awesome time of worship, as many children joined in singing, dancing, and clapping their hands! The gospel was preached in their local dialect, and many came forward to accept the Lord! After that, we had an extended time of worship as the church engaged in joyful worship with us. Is there anything more precious than seeing many young men and women coming together and shouting in intimacy and innocence before the Lord?

Friday June 20th, the LORD allowed us to challenge a student ministry as they begin their school year.  The LORD brought such a joy to our hearts as we watched the youth worship the LORD with such excitement.  The passage that was taught on was Matthew 5:16, which says, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven".  The LORD had several of the School of ministry students lead the teaching on being a light to the dark world.  The exhortation was to live out the fruit of the Spirit as our Light to the world.  Once again, worship was amazing and the students sang louder than the band.

Saturday June 21st, we were blown away by the opportunity to play at the Lamberto Macias Center! About four thousand people attended the concert, which was held in a huge sports-like complex. The School of Ministry and the PTA (Pastoral Training of Asia), along with many other churches came together to serve, pray and help with the event. 

A brother in Christ, who has a radio ministry here personally funded the entire event! What an incredible blessing! Pastor Joe of Calvary Chapel Dumaguete preached the gospel, and gave an altar call, to which 500-600 people came forward to either accept Jesus Christ as their Lord, or to rededicate their lives to Jesus! Praise the LORD!!!! Our new brothers and sisters in Christ were then taken backstage, prayed over and received follow up information on how to get plugged in to the local church.

The night continued in intense worship as the church almost drowned out the band as they sang their hearts out before the LORD!  That night was a miracle and we all left in a daze of God's glory. We all just said to each other, "What just happened?!!!" All glory be to the LORD!

Sunday June 22nd, we went to other side of island to a town called Alaman. We were in the middle of the effects of the typhoon that was stirring up the weather, and once again, we pleaded with the LORD that He would stop the rain so people would come. Once we started playing, the Lord stopped the rain, and the sun broke through the ominous clouds. About 25 people showed up, and we we're able to preach the gospel in a different way than we ever had. One man from PTA had the spontaneous idea to do a drama about a personal relationship with Christ. About 6-7 people came forward and accepted Christ, and we were able to pray for them and plug them into a local bible study. Right when we finished praying, the rain started up again!  Praise the Lord that souls were saved! What a miracle!

There are so many more details to these events, and so many more outreaches that happened that didn't even involve music, such as orphanages, hospitals, mental hospitals, and mountain ministries. But time and space avails us!

We want to thank you again all for your faithful prayers and support! We love you, and hope that you are encouraged by all that the LORD is doing. Our God is alive and well and is just looking for hearts that are loyal to Him, that He may show Himself strong on His behalf.

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team

Open Door In The Philippines

June 18th, 2008

Praise the Lord!  The entire Vierra family is here with us in Dumaguete City!  They just arrived here today :)

God provided flights for the seven of them to get to the Philippines.  Now we are just faithfully waiting on Him to provide so we can book their flights for the rest of the tour.

Below is a recap of last week and all the craziness & abundant blessings.   We hope that you are blessed and encouraged as you read all that the Lord has been doing.  We also want to thank you again for your faithful prayers, and your emails of encouragement.  We read every single one and try to reply to all of them as well.  We are so uplifted by your words of love, wisdom and exhortation.

Our last full day in Hawaii was the best!  It was a Tuesday, so our entire team spent most of the day fasting, praying and spending time with Jesus.  During the afternoon, as the team finished packing everything up, Eric and Ian drove all around the island of Oahu to meet and pray with the pastors we did ministry with during the last month.  It was special to connect with SO MANY churches and be able to serve alongside such committed Christ followers.

That evening our new friends (more like family) up on the North Shore invited our entire team of 19 to come over for an "Aloha Send Off".  By the end of the night all of us were weeping together as the Holy Spirit moved us to wash each other's feet.  It was by far the most intimate time our team has spent together.  So blessed we were able to share it with Corky & Deanna and Poi's family.

We left Hawaii on Wednesday morning June 11th and arrived in Dumaguete late in the afternoon on Friday because there is an 18-hour difference.  We had an eleven-hour flight, then a 20-hour layover in Manila, and finally the hour flight south to Dumaguete City.  That was a trying time since everyone was hot, exhausted, sweaty and really hot.

During the layover we slept, or at least tried too, outside on the ground because they shut down the Manila airport during the evening.  We were blessed with numerous witnessing opportunities!  We worshiped the Lord out in the open with our guitars and voices as many Filipinos watched.  It was a fruitful night, although we were all exhausted, the Lord was our strength.  He gave us a great love for those around us.

"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.  And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.  For as members of one body you are called to live in peace.  And always be thankful."

(Colossians 3:14-15)

We were grateful for this whole experience because trials strengthen each of us individually and also strengthen our team.  When we got to our base site in Dumaguete, we were above and beyond blessed by the facilities, and the food, and the AIR CONDITIONING!!!  Did we mention how amazing the food is?  We get to partake in luscious juicy Philippine Mangos every meal :)

The missionaries and staff at Pastoral Training of Asia are amazing servants of Jesus.  The love that pours out from them is encouraging and contagious.  We are so grateful for the grace God has given us on this trip.  However, the Lord is teaching us how to bless His name, even when the circumstances are difficult and we are operating on a couple hours of rest.

Friday night, a couple hours after getting off the plane, we were able to do a concert at Café Antonio in downtown Dumaguete.  After a handful of songs the band said good night and everyone at the concert yelled, "No, do more!"  So with no strength left, the band trusted the Lord for the ability and did about another dozen songs!!

After that, Ian and Johnna went to a radio station interview, where they were able to share about who Take No Glory is, what we do, and most importantly the Good News of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit was working in that radio station.  In fact, every time Johnna wanted to share verses about the ministry, the interviewer would turn to those exact same verses and read them right before she was able to.  This happened 3 times in three different parts of the Bible!!! There were multiple text messages that came into the station to ask questions.  Every question was somehow answered with the Gospel.  Jesus Christ, Him crucified and risen from the dead!

On Saturday morning we were able to participate in a children's outreach.  It was an incredible blessing.  We sang with the children, and lead them in worship.  We also performed a drama/dance to one of our songs "Lions Den".  We taught the children different hand motions to some of the praise songs, and afterward we handed out snacks and drinks to them.

The best part of the time with the kids was the opportunity to pray for each one of them, individually.  The Lord spoke through it and He prophesied over the children.  One mother came up with her 2 sons and asked for prayer.  We prayed for her family's health, financial provision, and spiritual fruitfulness.  We prayed over her two sons, that they would be dedicated to the Lord's work, and that many would come to know Christ through them.  When we looked up, she was weeping.  No doubt she didn't have enough food for the day, and she was doing the best she could to provide for her children.

A harsh realization came over us as we thought of all the things that we take for granted in life.  In the United States, we have access to clean water every day.  No one starves to death because there are so many options for food and shelter.  We have immediate access to pharmacies when we are feeling sick, and the list goes on.

Eden (Eric and Mandy's 4 year old daughter) also got up and spoke to the children that morning, reminding them that God loves us, and is always with us, even when we sleep.  She even paused for the interpreter in between sentences!!  The children were fascinated with her, and listened to her, undistracted.  Eden seemed to be in her element as she allowed the Holy Spirit to minister through her.

Jesus said, "Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.  I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it."

(Luke 18:16-17)

Later on Saturday afternoon we heard the news that someone donated all their frequent flier miles that they had accumulated over the years to pay for Boy and his entire family to fly to Manila, and for the flight from LAX back to Hawaii at the end of the tour!!!  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!  The Lord, has once again, provided for His people He has called.  Be encouraged, if you respond in obedience to His calling upon your life, He will provide for you.

On Saturday night we played down at the beach.  It consisted of a long worship set, and some original tnG songs.  Well over a thousand people stopped by to listen!!  Ian and Eric both preached the Good News and exhorted people to make a commitment to Christ and to have a personal relationship with Him.  Over a hundred children showed up that night and worshipped with us.  The Lord anointed Eden to speak as well, as she encouraged the crowd that Jesus forgets all of our sins, and that He loves us, even when we mess up.  What is really amazing to note, is that she captivated the entire crowd, not just the children.

Eden, at just 4 years old, seems to have a huge ministry before her, and the Lord is already using her in mighty ways.  We need to continue to keep her in prayer, for protection, and fresh anointing.  The last couple of days has been a joy and a blessing to watch as Eden fully worship the Lord with eyes closed and hands raised, with intensity written all over her face.  We are constantly reminded that no one is too old, or too young to be a powerful witness for Christ!

"Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young.  Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."

(1 Timothy 4:12)

On Sunday morning, we played at Calvary Chapel Dumaguete for both morning services 8:30am and 10:30am.  It was an awesome blessing to worship with fellow believers.  The house was packed out for each service.

Some of the School of Ministry students (from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa) and some of our own team got the amazing opportunity to teach the children's Sunday School for the first service.  The Holy Spirit spoke through us and gave us the words to say, and the things to teach.  Many children were blessed, and some even stepped out of their comfort zone, and shared their testimony in front of all their peers.  God really worked miracles in those classrooms.  All of the teachers were in tears over what the Lord was doing in the kids, and in themselves!

After church our pastor, Carl Westerlund (the director of the School of Ministry), took us all out to a Filipino lunch buffet.  The food was, once again, amazing.  We are so grateful for the fellowship that we are able to partake in.

Later on Sunday evening, the Huff's, the Utile's, and Landon all went over to Calvary Chapel Dumaguete to play acoustic worship for the small bible study that was being taught in Cebuano (the local dialect).  In between worship songs, Landon was led to share about the time the Lord healed him in Hawaii, when he was suffering from SEVERE stomach pains.  The church was greatly encouraged by this testimony of Gods power.

God opened the door for us to play a full evangelistic concert at Sillman University.  Missionaries established this university in 1901 and we have been told they have NEVER let a band come do an evangelistic concert before.  So, all the locals kept telling us this is a VERY big deal that we are invited to play and preach the Gospel.  What great favor the Lord has shown us!

We just got back from the event.  It was packed with almost a thousand people there.  Eric and Ian boldly shared the Gospel with all the students.  They exhorted them to make a commitment to Christ and to have a personal relationship with Him.  Lives were be changed and the students were able to connect with the local churches to get discipled.  Hearts were convicted and refreshed as we worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.  The Lord worked in supernatural ways as we witnessed spiritual revivals within the hearts of these college students.

"This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world.  It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God's wonderful grace."

(Colossians 1:6)

This Saturday June 21st at 7pm is the BIG free concert at the Macius Sports Complex.  Prayerfully, the local churches are expecting 5,000 people to be there.  Take No Glory is the only band playing and we will hand out as many free CDs as possible while also connecting the attendees to the local churches.  The Gospel will be preached and there will be a call to respond.  Right now there are almost 200 volunteers available to serve!!  Please pray for this important event.  May it transform Dumaguete City.

One very specific prayer request we have is that we NEED to have the funds by tomorrow morning for the entire Vierra family of 7 to join us for the rest of the tour!!  We have their itinerary scheduled so they can fly with us from Dumaguete to Manila to Hong Kong to London to Austria back to London and finally to Boston.  Now we just need to show up to the travel agent with the $.  We know God will provide just like He has every other time we have been in NEED.  Is anything too big for God?  The Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills!  So please join us in prayer as we eagerly await the Lords miraculous provision!  We can't wait to tell you how He ends up providing for this :)

God gave us a Word today.  "WAIT"

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  Wait on the LORD, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen you heart; wait, I say, on the LORD."

(Psalm 27:13-14)

Pray that the Lord would continue to open doors for the gospel to be preached, and that we would all be faithful to serve Him no matter what obstacles may come our way.

May the Lord bless you!

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team