Jesus said to his disciples “Yes, your joy will overflow!”
(John 15:11b NLT)
July 29th, 2008
As our team celebrated with Ian and Johnna, because of their growing family, we have also enjoyed the many opportunities Jesus trusted us with to serve Him here in the UK. We don’t “have to” serve our God; we “get to” serve Him. It is an honor, it is a privilege and it really is a joy! This week impacted eternity in a BIG way with many people trusting in Jesus for the first time as served at free outreach concerts, diverse church services and fervent prayer meetings.
After Jesus ascended to heaven, his followers “met together and were constantly united in prayer.”
(Acts 1:14a NLT)
Please continue to pray for Creation Fest: [1] Jesus exalted, honored & glorified [2] local and visiting non-Christians drawn to the event [3] hearts softened to received the Gospel, people set free from sin, innumerable salvations and lasting spiritual impact [4] new believers getting plugged into a local fellowship for discipleship [5] God's wisdom and discernment in all decision making and smooth running operations during the event [6] continued church unity and favor from government in the local areas [7] speakers (Brian Broderson, Bob Coy, Phil Pechonis, David Robertson, Garid Beeler, Philip Bell, Lu Wing and Nigel Watts) [8] bands (Lindz West MC, Scott Cunningham, Universal Royalty, Transition, Four Kornerz, Superhero, Manafest, CHRISTAFARI, Jahaziel, dweeb, Philippa Hanna, Avion Blackman, Solomon Jabby, Electralyte, Finchley, All ‘Bout Christ, NEW DIRECTION CREW, Erin Starnes, Ekklesia, BOSH, Lindsy Morton, Matt Giles, Sonz 1 and Take No Glory) [9] spiritual/mental/physical health, protection & endurance of staff/bands/speakers/volunteers [10] the weather and financial provision
Last week different churches from all over America sent over more than a hundred Christians here to help serve with Creation Fest. It has been refreshing to serve with these brothers and sisters, as we have been able to support each other in what God has called us to do here in England. Most of these people don’t know each other and are from different cultures. Regardless, there is a feeling of family unity because we all have the same Heavenly Father. It has been said that if people have Jesus in common, they have everything in common.
When Jesus prayed for us, He said “May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them as much as You love Me.”
(John 17:23b NLT)
On Wednesday the Ilfracombe churches (in North Devon) gathered together for a day of prayer and worship at the St. Peter & St. James Anglican Cathedral. It was an incredible experience to serve in these old cathedrals that Jesus has used to change so many lives over the last few centuries. On Friday and Saturday we traveled almost two hours, south from where we are staying, down to Exeter (a youth filled city of 120,000 people). Exeter has the most impressive physical church building any of us had ever seen. It was MASSIVE and parts of it were more than a thousand years old!! As we served in a Biblically uncompromised & culturally relevant way in these churches, our team could envision the Holy Spirit doing a fresh work in these old places.
On Sunday morning we were blessed to spend time with our friends at Christian Fellowship Church teaching the Bible and leading them in worship. We could feel the presence of the Lord, as He inhabited the praises of His people, with all of us singing together in unity. The Holy Spirit also ministered to the church as a whole and to each person individually through the preaching of God’s Word as Eric and Ian taught the following passage:
“Because we understand our fearful responsibility to the Lord, we work hard to persuade others. God knows we are sincere, and I hope you know this too. Are we commending ourselves to you again? No, we are giving you a reason to be proud of us, so you can answer those who brag about having a spectacular ministry rather than a sincere heart. If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”
(2nd Corinthians 5:11-15 NLT)
These are the verses we have printed on the back of our album “Wake Me Up”. When we do a concert or church service, we give everyone a free copy of our CD and then teach the passage sentence by sentence. When we preach from this paragraph we work hard to persuade the crowd to abandon their selfishness and sincerely live for Jesus in response to Christ’s love. We explain the need to die to our old life, no longer live for ourselves and live for Christ alone. This message needs to be heard and understood by all people regardless if they are a pagan or a pastor.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the apostle Paul wrote those words in an epistle he penned about 2,000 years ago to the church of Corinth. It is a miracle that these words still apply to everyone from all different walks of life today. It’s because God Himself wrote this letter through Paul!
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and his is the one to whom we are accountable.”
(Hebrews 4:12&13 NLT)
Below are our personal prayer requests and some of the events we have scheduled for the next few months. If you know anyone in these areas (England • Austria • Maine • Indiana • California) then please forward this email to them and encourage them to join us.
Tuesday, July 29th @ 7-9pm
Creation Fest Roadshow in Ilfracombe
tnG playing with Transition & Universal Royalty
Wednesday, July 30th @ 7-9pm
Creation Fest Roadshow in Ilfracombe
tnG playing with Manafest & Scott Cunningham
Friday, August 1st @ 10am-10pm
Creation Fest MAIN EVENT in Woolacombe
tnG plays at 2pm in the Surf Café & 8pm in the Acoustic Café
Saturday, August 2nd @ 10am-10pm
Creation Fest MAIN EVENT in Woolacombe
Sunday, August 3rd @ 10am-9pm
Creation Fest MAIN EVENT in Woolacombe
tnG plays at 2pm in the Surf Café & around 7pm on the Main Stage
Wednesday, August 6th to Saturday, August 9th
Serving Calvary Chapel South London at their Summer Retreat
Sunday, August 10th to Saturday, August 16th
Serving at the European Missionaries, Pastors & Leaders Conference
Friday, August 22nd to Sunday, August 24th
Serve with Pastor Ken Graves at Bangor Christian Church
Wednesday, August 27th to Sunday, August 31st
Serve with Pastor Joe Mann at Calvary Chapel Fort Wayne
Friday, September 5th to Monday, September 8th
Serve with Pastor Tom Camp at Harvest Lafayette
Wednesday, September 10th until mid October
Break for a few weeks to seek the Lord for future of the tnG ministry
Saturday, October 18th @ 6pm
Concert at CC Living Water in Corona, CA
Sunday, October 19th @ 8:30 and 10:30am
Worship at CC Living Water Church Services
Saturday, October 25th @ 5:30-7pm
Music Ministry at Camp Pendleton Marine Corp Base
“Dear brothers and sisters, we urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join in our struggle by praying to God for us. Do this because of your love for us, given to you by the Holy Spirit.”
(Romans 15:30 NLT)
Please continue to pray for the Take No Glory team: [1] time and intimacy with Jesus [2] unity in the team [3] effectiveness and spiritual fruit [4] supernatural protection (hearts, souls, and minds) [5] health [6] marriages (Ian & Johnna • Jeff & Melaine • Boy & Elena • Eric & Mandy) [7] kids (Nadiya, Elijah, Eden, Kanani and baby Utile!) [8] other servants (Landon, Chris, Connor, Kalei, Kauhi, Naili, Landrew) [9] preparation for the concerts and outreaches [10] financial provision for what’s ahead & all our debts to be paid.
Joyfully serving Jesus,
The Take No Glory Team
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