April 14, 2008

Paul says it so well, "So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better. We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light. For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins." (Colossians 1:9-14)

What a blessing to be able to pray for each other as we walk this life out! May our Lord continue to shape, change and challenge you as you wait upon Him today. May He feed you with His everlasting Word and satisfy you with His Spirit.

PRAYING FOR THE WORLD – This Week’s Focus: Fire Fighters for Christ

Fire Fighters for Christ is a distribution ministry solely dependent upon the grace of our Lord for support and direction. Its purpose is to freely give God's word in the form of Bible study teaching, personal testimony and worship music through tapes, CD's, DVD's and digital downloads.

Please pray for Fire Fighters for Christ as they continue to send the Word all over the world. The Lord has continued to open doors for more and more ministry in the midst of several cultures and languages in some the most unreached areas. What a blessing! Here are some additional areas that we could be praying for: Pray for more open doors to spread the Word by giving free CDs and digital downloads away. Pray for protection as they continue to serve. Pray for continued unity in the midst of freely sending out the Word.


Please join us as we come before the Lord today. It is our heart that we would be lovingly exalting Him as He always is lovingly edifying, exhorting, and encouraging us to draw deeper into relationship with Him. Please pray that: We would be a ministry which blesses and encourages those whom we minister to. God would be exalted. We would avail ourselves to the Lord. We would have abiding relationships in the Lord. We would draw together as one. We would have Christlike attitudes. We would be diligent. We would be self-controlled. We would be servants to all.

Other specific prayer requests:

Lasting fruit in Long Beach and Santa Cruz

Intern Discipleship

Plane tickets

Freight for gear

CD replication for 500,000 albums


Dates for ministry




On Friday night May 2nd and Saturday May 3rd, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa will be hosting the Pure Worship Conference 2008. From great bible teaching, to practical workshops, to intimate times of worship, our desire is to draw near to God and for Him to draw near to us. We want to equip and encourage anyone who desires to serve the Lord with their musical gifts.

Please pray that God would continue to bring young worship leaders from all over the Orange County area. Please pray that thousands of young men and women would get involved. Please pray that hearts would be moldable and responsive to the Spirit of God. Please pray that lives would be transformed.

PRAYING FOR HAWAII - May 14th - June 11th

From Wednesday, May 14th through Wednesday, June 11th we will be engaged in serving several churches throughout the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. Please pray with us that God would continue to open doors for ministry. That He would soften hearts. That Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor, Horizon Honolulu, Waipio Grace Brethren Church, North Shore Christian Fellowship and the various other ministries that we will be partnering with will be strengthened, filled and directed for the days to come.

Jesus Loves You North Shore: On May 16th & 17th we will be partnering with Horizon Honolulu, North Shore Christian Fellowship and many other local churches to reach out to the thousands homeless people who live in the area. Many of these people are working families who just simply cannot afford housing. Please pray that God would move in and through this outreach. That He would lead them and direct them over the days to come. Pray for Pastor Francis. Pray for Calvary Chapel Bible College, Indianapolis as they will be there serving and preparing the grounds for the out reach. Pray that God would sovereignly speak into the lives of all those who will be attending the outreach and get saved or stoked on Jesus Christ.

Joyfully serving Jesus,

The Take No Glory Team

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